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I know what I like and generally go after it...I am married but not to bothered about meeting on the side as my wife often works away....My hobbies are photography and more recently I have start to make movies I love socialising, listening to music, long walks along the beach/ mountains, staying in and drinking red wine..normal kinda stuff!

Height: 5' 2"

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Name: KindHeartedJean

Status: Separated

Age: 46

City: Freeport, Maine

I am a fit and energetic man looking for some excitment.

26, born in Massachusetts but grew up in Brazil. 3)long term relationship.

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Height: 5' 8"

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Name: JokerJem

Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 52

City: Hillsdale, Pennsylvania

When I'm out driving I can't wait to see who is out here and hoping it may lead to some fun connections. Public adventure Toys Ropes Discretion. Loveeee bbws. I am looking for discretion.

Height: 5' 9"

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Name: Sexysweetsam25

Status: Separated

Age: 39

City: Anchorage, Alaska

5) Drives and is able to get to me.I'm looking for a FWB - a legitimate FRIEND with benefits. I need a down day, are you willing to have the same? Someone that can engage with me on a moments notice. With that being said I still look forward to meeting new people and making new friends. Respectful, easy going, single and free, clean, honest, girls slim, guys slim, ideal around 5'8'' tall and cock around 5 1/2'', understand where you fit in with a large crowd, enjoys being outdoors on a sunny afternoon with a cold beer in hand or curled up on the couch on a rainy day, but lets not stop there I enjoy dining out and staying in cooking for each other. I'm married and a mom, I have spent years sexually unsatisfied. Real women getting horny reg.

Height: 5' 1"

Hair Color: Brown

Name: Southerngirl315

Status: Separated

Age: 42

City: Riverside, Utah

For me it's all about chemistry and personality rather than looks. Would love to meet a F for some Beni type friendship and or fun. I want a woman that is completely open in the bedroom and am able to make it St.

Louis clear. Preferably an older couple but I am open to experimenting.

Height: 5' 2"

Hair Color: Blonde

Name: laloDew

Status: Single

Age: 27

City: Pocahontas, Arkansas

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