Just wanting to keep it light at this stage in my life. Transsexual sex in Chicago. Discreet sexual encounters with women

Usual refinements, intelligent sensors, slim strong body with an excellent gloss coat and can be a wild, funny, highly stimulating drive. Please be respectful of this. Looking for that nice restaurant, that secluded beach and the open-minded friends to spend time with. Looking for a regular sex buddy that we can go out and have sex with as many guys as she wants, while in a relationship with me, I don't get jealous, in fact it turns me on, but don't get me wrong if you're not into this it's not a dealer breaker, I'm just putting out there what turns me on. I don't smoke and drink socially and it's OK if you smoke.

Height: 5' 4"

Hair Color: Brown

Name: Rubberduck7772

Status: Separated

Age: 34

City: Chicago, Illinois

I am DDF and i am fixed so no worries about getting her pregnant. I love being trampled on by beautiful woman.. Sexy, funny, experienced, open minded, wants to experiment together. She plays if we all click. I find myself the perfect example of a happy being.

I Would also consider single WHITE men between 35-50 to help us live out this fantasy. Asian pussy trip.

Height: 5' 6"

Hair Color: Grey

Name: Yawanna61

Status: Single

Age: 22

City: Chicago, Illinois

I don't mind talking about anything and can have non sexual conversations. Looking for a friend and FWB. Sexiness comes in all shapes and sizes. I'm open minded, down to earth and easy going lady , very honest and loyal , fun to be with and out going. I know who I am talking to as well. I have been with couples in the past and have had some very hot experiences.

Height: 5' 3"

Hair Color: Black

Name: dorellekhaleck1970

Status: Single

Age: 21

City: Chicago, Illinois

Own place, car and teeth :-). More importantly willing to give a thick funny brown guy a chance to raid her picnic basket. I'm open to something more serious but am not actively looking for it at the moment. I love the smell of fresh cut grass or the smell of the air after a storm.
Separated looking to get back out into the dating world.

Height: 5' 7"

Hair Color: Brown

Name: SkylarDirker490

Status: Married

Age: 39

City: Chicago, Illinois

My name is Rob and I am looking for FWB. Easy going guy does.nt like drama.looking for a down to earth women does.nt have to be a supermodel. He does tend to lean more towards redheads and curvy women.

Height: 5' 5"

Hair Color: Red

Name: nicolepassine1968

Status: Married

Age: 24

City: Chicago, Illinois

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