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Height: 5' 5"

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Name: Aizecc

Status: Divorced

Age: 25

City: Portsmouth, Ohio

Chemistry has to be chemistry. A man who will be with me on the same wavelength.

Height: 5' 0"

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Name: SallyMagdellan

Status: Divorced

Age: 29

City: Portsmouth, Ohio

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Height: 5' 4"

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Name: Douglasclansman

Status: Married

Age: 30

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Height: 5' 0"

Hair Color: Auburn

Name: Kellypop3323

Status: Separated

Age: 21

City: Portsmouth, Ohio

Hopefully, youre okay with that ;P. She is a bigger girl, but loves sex. Sex pix nudy women of the world nude girls and Mustang. ***No couples, married or attached people:*** Fun, outgoing, looking for fun and possible long term poly relationship.

Height: 5' 1"

Hair Color: Grey

Name: olvanseegers508

Status: Separated

Age: 35

City: West Portsmouth, Ohio

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