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Height: 5' 9"

Hair Color: Grey

Name: Lickingit1962

Status: Divorced

Age: 52

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Looking for a lady or ladies to have a FWB relationship. I hate distance too, Not desperate either, very high sex drive so looking for some one who won't mind me eating her pussy out and sucking on her nipples. I don't get allot of notice where I'm going to be. New to the west side of Michigan. I am neither jealous nor demanding.

Height: 5' 3"

Hair Color: Brown

Name: Alfzubel

Status: Married

Age: 35

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey

I love fishing and camping and taking my dogs to the parks too!!!

My smile lights up the room.

Thank you for visiting my profile I'm just average joe not getting what he needs at home.

Height: 5' 5"

Hair Color: Auburn

Name: rosemaryauguste1973

Status: Separated

Age: 53

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Looking for mature thinking hard-working Honest Friends first and then open for discussion. Hot fukkn nisce lady. Sharing pleasurable moments and experiences. Hmu and see what's up. The woman I'm looking for wants me to treat her gently, softly, caringly.

Height: 5' 4"

Hair Color: Brown

Name: CedricDax69666

Status: Separated

Age: 35

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey

All are good woman in my eyes either F or T. Any more information you want please message me. I'm just looking to have clean safe nsa fun. Big great dane.

Height: 5' 9"

Hair Color: Grey

Name: RianonRedeaux

Status: No Strings Attached

Age: 42

City: Atlantic City, New Jersey

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