I have enjoyed couples before and had fun, but looking for a quality woman. Jackson, MI swinger ads. Women who fuck in the open

Looking to grab coffee or drinks before anything goes anywhere. As long as u can be honest always and understand I am a mom first we good. I would call downstairs as boyfriend material not too big or small. Good looking moms fucking blacks compilations.

Height: 5' 9"

Hair Color: Auburn

Name: kateebaskerville

Status: Married

Age: 51

City: Jackson, Michigan

Super-easy going judgement free I enjoy traveling and the adventures of the outdoors. You are as much as Jackson, MI I. I'm looking in a woman is that she is nice, caring and loving and DONT NOT EVER CHATTING ON My HEART.

Height: 5' 1"

Hair Color: Chestnut

Name: Ricndick13

Status: Single

Age: 50

City: Jackson, Michigan

Attached and in a nonphysical relationship. I'm very attracted to older women and bigger women but I really have no set "type". Nude narried couple.

Height: 5' 9"

Hair Color: Grey

Name: janetgold12

Status: Single

Age: 21

City: Jackson, Michigan

Love to get down and dirty open minded and love to pleasure. Can travel most places or meet behind the bikesheds. I'm back after deleting my previous account. However I also have a gsoh and love fun times. 67 yo white female...5'150 lite brown/ grey hair blue eyes..

Height: 5' 8"

Hair Color: Black

Name: JoeyG212

Status: Divorced

Age: 39

City: Jackson, Michigan

Looking to make open minded bold woman feel special who loves getting wet and wild. Had to make a new account.

Height: 5' 2"

Hair Color: Grey

Name: Finnbrinkman

Status: Separated

Age: 57

City: Jackson, Michigan

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