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Single Latin man 49 looking for dogging trip CO a new and exciting adventure ,i love a nice round ass, but of course a beautiful smile turns me on.

Height: 5' 7"

Hair Color: Blonde

Name: MrWrong457

Status: Married

Age: 45

City: Aurora, Colorado

No dates needed just a little chat. Send chat can't msg ATM. If you have any questions or would like to get to know and connect with. She is 45 yrs old never been with anyone other then husband.

Height: 5' 0"

Hair Color: Brown

Name: Venus51584

Status: Married

Age: 42

City: Jefferson, Colorado

It's easier that way. Let's be friends first. Nerd and weed culture a plus.

Height: 5' 0"

Hair Color: Auburn

Name: dorotheeRacine1959

Status: Divorced

Age: 22

City: Laporte, Colorado

Not much to tell, if you really want something, you must do it, no matter what. I see beauty in everyone I meet. Sexy swingers PA. Someone that likes to go out and have fun just as much as I do.

Height: 5' 8"

Hair Color: Black

Name: BerneiceHerranen708

Status: Married

Age: 32

City: Rand, Colorado

Just a friendly good conversations, be interesting, I'm not here for any sex talk or sex shit..... I always enjoy the usuals (watching porn, giving oral, fucking in lots of ways, ) but I am finding new for both of us, edging, creampie cleanup, prostate massage dogging trip CO and 3 or moresomes lead an increasing list (there are more). I have bed sheet grabbing sex skills.

Height: 5' 0"

Hair Color: Blonde

Name: melainefleming

Status: Single

Age: 37

City: Denver, Colorado

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