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Height: 5' 2"

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Name: Donallnardi1966

Status: Married

Age: 53

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I prefer to play during the day when possible if it gets to that. Open communication - and not afraid to tell you what they like! I am a nice, intelligent 57 year old man looking for a friend and possibly more.I value relationships such as a good friendship. Live hot sex and men hot horny.

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Age: 25

City: Keansburg, New Jersey

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Height: 5' 6"

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Name: CharlieDDOS

Status: Divorced

Age: 53

City: Millville, New Jersey

I would like to find a guy that would like to meet and become friends then can look for more. I'm a divorced man who is looking for fun, friendship, real meets and not really looking for a long term relationship at this time. I'm a feisty, fiery, very assertive, southern accent having m, adrenaline junkie. I love the taste of a women. UPS driver in Palm Springs Ca.

Height: 5' 9"

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Name: Gussyjarmon

Status: Single

Age: 59

City: Saddle River, New Jersey

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